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新會員註冊送 $100元購物金

Privacy Policy

easyoga(hereinafter collectively referred to as“the Company”) has set up the officialwebsite, including but not limited to easyoga shopping site(www.easyoga.com.tw) and the websites subsequently established (hereinaftercollectively referred to as “thisWebsite”). The Company attaches importance to, and respects your privacy;therefore, to respond in accordance to the implementation of the PersonalInformation Protection Act and in consideration of the protection of individualinterests, the Company hereby provides you protective action of exercisingrights to your personal information. If you do not agree to the followingprivacy policy, please stop using this Website's services immediately.


Article1. Scope of Application

Before using theservices provided by this Website, please make sure that you have read andagreed to the terms listed in the privacy policy. If you have doubts about ordisagree with the terms, please do not use this Website's services. ThisWebsite's privacy policy applies solely to the Company's service platform andthe website domain in addition to any personal data collected, processed andutilized for the purpose of services. In addition, the Company will provide thelinks of third-party websites on the foregoing platforms and the domains. Ifyou link via this Site to other sites controlled and owned by third parties toprovide or to process any personal information, the provisions and policy ofpersonal data collection protection should be managed according to the mannerprescribed in its website, and that shall not concern the Company.


Article2. According to Article 8 of PersonalInformation Protection Act of ROC, Matters Should be Informed are as follows.


(A) SpecificPurpose of Collection:

Dispatching Easyoga exclusive membershipcampaign incentives and messages, promotional materials delivery, marketing andsales.

(i) managementand services of members.

(ii)handling disputes concerning consumption.

(iii)surveys, statistics and research analysis, information (communication) businessand database


(iv) itemsdelivery: handing over consumers' personal data to relevantly logistical ormailing vendors,

afterconsumers have designated delivery methods, for the purpose of deliveringconsumers' purchased goods.

(v) invoice, financial transactions andauthorization: submitting the data, required for financial transaction process(such as credit card payment authorization, money transfers ), out fromrelevantly financial information provided by members in the transaction, tofinancial institutions for the purpose of completing transactions.

(vi) usingpersonal data provided by members to carry out marketing hype for merchandise or

corporate imageengaged by the Company or through the cooperation between the Company and

other vendors.

(vii) otherrequirements applicable to business matters may be operated by the Company andhave been prescribed in the Company's approved and registered business items orthe Company' Articles of Association.


 (B) Categories of Collected Personal Data:

     Anindividual should provide his or her name, date of birth, telephone number,mobile phone number, e-mail, address, gender, occupation and the data of transactions (theabove are required). The company will conduct with honest and trustable methodin compliance with Article 5 of Personal Information Protection Act withoutgoing beyond the necessary bounds for particular purposes and the foregoingaction shall legitimately and reasonably concern the purpose of collection.


(C) Duration, Regions, Objects and Methods ofUse of Personal Information

(i)Duration of Information utilization : the period of existing and continuingmembership, of collecting personal information for specific purposes , of  preservation in accordance with the relevantlaws or regulations or agreements, or preservation time required for theCompany's business execution.

(ii)Region of Data Use : Taiwan, the place where the Company operates in. 

   (iii) Objects andManners of Utilization : collecting, processing and utilizing with a rationalutilization way through automated machines or other non-automated machines forthe Company or relevant venders cooperated to accomplish a specific purposewith the Company, which is in line with a particular purpose of collectingmembers' personal data.

(D)Right to Personal Data :

     Accordingto Article 3 of the Personal Information Protection Act, you may exercise thefollowing rights on the Company: query or request for browses, ​​to acquirecopies of the origin, request to add or correct, request to stop thecollection, processing, using and deletion. But please note that the Companymay legally charge you a necessary cost of the job for such requests.


※ If amember who wishes to exercise these rights, he or she can contact us to apply.However, the Company is entitled to retain or suspend part or all of themember's rights or services.

If the member understands but refuses toprovide the necessary information prescribed in the preceding Paragraph (B), itshall probably result in losing the right of enjoying or utilizing partial orentire services.


Article 3. CookieTechnology

(A)Cookie is a small data file on the hard disk written to a user's computer by aweb server when a user browses the website, through which the user's identitycan be confirmed and to access account information relating to the user.

(B) Thepurpose of this Website's use of this technology is to facilitate, in thefuture, this Website's identification of individuals as well as to transferpersonal activities, product information, and through these materials of usersto analyze the situation of users' browses on this Website for reference ofoffering higher-quality services, therefore, the Company may load and accessthe cookie on your computer. If you are not willing to and do not allow theCompany to make cookie settings on your computer, you may not be able to enjoyor use part or all of the services of this Site.

(C) Inaddition, during the process of sending advertising messages to this Website orbeing guided to a third party's website through the links set up by thisWebsite, the third-party advertiser or website owner might place a cookie fileor recognize your browser's cookie. Please pay particular attention that thethird-party advertiser or website owner is not bound by the foresaid provisionsbut by the privacy policy applicable to and set forth respective by each party.


Article 4. Confidentiality and Security

(i) easyogashall use the personal information you provide only for an internal marketingand operation use and shall keep confidential and step up confidential measuressubject to reasonable and in line with prevailing technology to meet generalpublic expectation so as to prevent the personal information you provided fromunlicensed access, alteration, disclosure or destruction, etc., or third partyuse without legitimate reasons. To ensure that your information is up to dateand complete, you can submit arequest to modify, and to license the Company to modify personal data inpursuance that you request / acknowledge the right to modify personal data.

(ii)Please be sure to understand the Internet is not a secure data transmission

environment andplease avoid publicizing and disclosure of personal information while usingthis Website. If you arbitrarily publicize the foregoing information regardingconfidentiality and consequently cause an infringement on your privacy, youshall be responsible for the obligation. Moreover if you have any securityconcerns, please change your password immediately, or notify the Company tosuspend the account.


Article 5. Self-ProtectionMeasures

Please keep yourpasswords and any personal information with care. Do not provide any personalinformation, especially important password to anyone. After you complete themembership need to log in to use the service platform, be sure to logoutmembership. If you share a computer with someone else or use a public computer,be sure to close the browser window to prevent others from reading your letteror any personal information. If you are negligent in exercising personalinformation protection and consequently cause an infringement on your privacy,you shall assume the obligation , the Company shall not bear anyresponsibility.


Article 6. Modification of Privacy Policy

If there are anymaterial modifications or updates of the privacy policy, the Company willnotify you in accordance with the e-mail or contact information you provided andmake an announcement on this Site. If you do not agree to the change, pleasecontact the Company to terminate your personal data collection, processing andutilization in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy, pleasecontact the Company to terminate your personal data collection, processing andutilization, and stop using the services provided on this Website.

[Last Update Date:  July 17,2023]