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◆ 清潔方式:
1.) 建議第一次穿著前先進行洗滌程序,以提升穿著舒適度。
Wash all clothing before wearing them for the first time.
2.) 深色與淺色衣物請以冷水分開清洗,浸泡時間亦不宜過長。
Wash dark colored clothing separately from lighter colored clothing. Also do not soak for too long.
3.) 低溫手洗衣物為佳,同時避免布料表面直接接觸清潔劑以免導致布料褪色。
Always wash in cold water using a mild detergent when possible.
4.) 若需機洗,請將衣褲穿面反翻放入「洗衣袋」清洗,以減少清洗過程中因拉扯而產生破裂與毛球現象。
Wash garments separately from cotton or other abrasive fabrics, or place them in a laundry bag. This will keep it from pilling effect. 
5.) 請以中性洗劑清洗,建議勿使用「冷洗精」、「柔軟精」、「增豔劑」等降低布料纖維吸濕排汗的功能的洗劑。例如:肥皂是鹼性洗劑對功能性運動布料洗淨力偏強,請勿直接以肥皂搓洗布或者肥皂水浸泡,避免布料表面直接接觸洗劑以免導致退色或掉色。
Do not use bleach, fabric softer, optical brightener or any strong detergents as they can decrease the overall quality of the fabric.
6.) 請置於室外通風陰涼處自然晾乾,若需烘乾請以低溫低速進行。若高溫處理,布料成分將遭受破壞或是縮水。
Always air dry when possible. If using a dryer, only use it on the delicate/lowest setting or it can cause minor shrinkage.

※ 胸墊清潔方式:建議手洗並使用中性清潔劑,同上述注意事項。
    Hand wash bra paddings in cold water and use mild detergents.

◆ 保養方式:
1.) 穿著本產品時,請盡量避免與粗糙之材質和布料接觸摩擦,以降低毛球產生的機率並延長使用壽命。
Please avoid friction from rubbing against other fabrics or materials as it can cause pilling.
2.) 運動後,深色和淺色衣物請盡量分開放置收納,以避免因汗水的酸鹼度造成部分布料褪色移染的可能性。
After workout, place wash dark colored clothing separately from lighter colored clothing. As the pH of human sweat could cause color fading or migration.
3.) 若需要在高溫的環境下運動,請盡量選擇同一色系的上身和下身搭配,以降低高溫影響造成深淺布料交互移染的可能。
If working out in high heat, please wear same colored tops and pants as hot temperature possibly cause color fading or migration. 


■ 瑜伽墊 FAQs  
首次使用瑜伽墊: 初次拆封瑜伽墊,若有些許新品氣味屬為正常。建議先以濕布(建議調製酒精:水=1:3的比例)擦拭瑜伽墊數次,並置於陰涼處風乾3-7天,以降低新品氣味。每款瑜伽墊皆附使用說明,拆封前建議您詳閱包裝上的說明及注意事項。
Mat initial care instructions: Upon first opening up your yoga mat's packaging, you may notice a slight odor, which is normal. Use a damp cloth with alcohol (1 part alcohol 3 parts water) to clean the mat, then place in a dry area with good ventilation for 3-7 days. This will help reduce the smell. Each individual mat has its own instructions, so please refer to these instructions for further details.

◆ 瑜伽墊清潔方式?
   How to clean your mat?  


We recommend that you ALWAYS wipe your yoga mat with a damp cloth and then a dry cloth immediately after each use.

◆ 瑜伽墊收納與保養
    How to extend the lifetime of your mat?
1.) 每次使用後,請適當清潔與風乾,並捲起放進透氣背袋中收納。如此不但可延長使用壽命,也更健康衛生, 避免汗水停留以及濕氣造成變質等狀況。

Please clean and air dry your mat every time after use and then roll it back up. This will not only ensure extended lifestyle, but will also make your practice more hygenic!
2.) 由於各款墊子材質各異,因此提醒您在使用過程以及儲存收納時盡量避免陽光照射,也請勿放置於高溫、任何強光可能直射的地方,以防止加速瑜伽墊老化、脆化或變異的可能性。

Avoid direct sunlight, sun exposure and high temperatures every time when use and store your mat.
◆ 特殊保養:
   Special Care
環保瑜伽墊 & 天然橡膠墊:環保材質,具自然可分解的環保概念,經久使用下表面或墊子邊緣出現磨損/脆化,屬自然現象。損耗程度和速度依個人練習強度、使用習慣和貯存方式而有不同。
Eco-care Mat & Natural Rubber Mat: The mat could decompose naturally after a certain period of time. The lifetime depends on your practice style, frequency and how to maintain it.
環保瑜伽墊 & PU皮革墊:表面材質較為柔軟脆弱,使用時請避免穿戴高硬度、尖銳物品、指甲過長或是久壓存放,否則容易有刮傷或破損情形發生,降低使用壽命。
Eco-care Mat & PU Yoga Mat: To prevent mat surface from damage, please avoid wearing any hard or sharp accessories during practice.


■ 抱枕清潔&保養
Yoga Bloster Care 

Bloster cover is removable for cleaning. Hand wash with cold water and mid detergent. Please do not soak for too long. Please use laundry bag when placing cover in the washing machine. Always air dry it instead of hot heat. It is normal if the cover shrink from 1-3% after wash due to the materials.


■ 鋪巾清潔&保養
Yoga Towel Care 
Yoga towels should be washed with like colors and mild detergent. We suggest using a delicate bag when wash towel with washing machine to separate it with other articels.

■ 毛毯      

◆ 清潔 Cleaning
1.) 請低溫冷水清理,並以手洗揉搓效果為佳。若需要洗衣機清洗,務必放置洗衣袋後並調整到輕柔緩水模式清洗。
Please hand wash in cold water with a mid detergent. Place blanket in the laundry bag with delicate cycle if use mashing machine.
2.) 以中性清潔劑洗淨後,請勿留置在洗衣機內甩乾,建議將毛毯取出,用手稍微擠壓水分並自然風乾,以防止毛毯因拉扯而變形。